- ShamanMostrar Notícias
- Aqui você curte Shaman e seus Sucessos, Antigas, Novas e os Lançamentos.
- Notas roqueiras: Nervosa Fernanda Lira Caravellus Shaman
- Notas roqueiras: Shaman Acabou La Tequila Kuazar
- Notas roqueiras: Turilli/Lione Rhapsody Shaman Between Buried and Me
- Notas roqueiras: Shaman Sharyot Chaos Synopsis
- Shaman e DVD solo coroam o grande ano de Alírio Netto
- Notas roqueiras: Alírio Netto Shaman High Moonlight Krucipha
- Notas roqueiras: Avantasia Shaman Pathologic Noise
- Quem ouve Shaman tambem ouve: - avantasia - moonlight
- Essa semana a música mais ouvida é fairy tale - Shaman
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ego pt.2
No one is asking for your helpWhat comes from you is filthy and lame
Your twisted way to see the world
Has already sucked out all that was good and pure inside of me
All that you touch dies or turns grey...
This echo craved my way for ages
I was sentenced to hell
When I first called you my friend
And why do I care ? No one knows !
Everytime I try to leave or deceive you,
You make me beg !
Such a deep trance, I don't know who I am...
So do the humdrum and let's rumble
Please ignite the sky so I find myself !
Give me some insight, so light can prevail
I've found my foe...
This man behind my Ego will and must go !
(No way !)
No more ruling or being in charge of me
(Enough !)
Of being served as fuel for hate
Your hunger to succeed using corpses as stair steps
Left me with no choice, but to blow you away !