- Pet Shop BoysMostrar Notícias
- Aqui você curte Pet Shop Boys e seus Sucessos, Antigas, Novas e os Lançamentos.
- Dupla Pet Shop Boys desmente assalto à mão armada no Rio de Janeiro
- Com hits e cores Pet Shop Boys mostra que o pop é a cura em show de São Paulo
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- Quem ouve Pet Shop Boys tambem ouve: - rio
- Essa semana a música mais ouvida é always on my mind - Pet Shop Boys
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delusions of grandeur
Pet Shop Boys
The cathedral's glittering on coronation dayCrowned heads and cardinals under military sway
I approach the altar slowly in a humble shroud
to receive the acclamation of the loyal crowd
Give me power over people in a palace
with a permanent guard
and the flags unfurled
Give devotion, dedication, celebration
not some cheap charade
and I'll rule the world
All of these delusions of grandeur
because they said 'We don't understand you'
and I want revenge
In audience I receive the media's pleas
They kiss my ring in interviews on bended knees
In victory I'm magnanimous and charming when
I speak exclusively at length to CNN
About power over people in a palace
with a permanent guard
and the flags unfurled
With devotion, dedication, celebration
not some cheap charade
I will rule the world
All of these delusions of grandeur
because they said 'We don't understand you'
and I want revenge
Ring the bells, tell everyone
Revolution can be fun