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- Demi Lovato é internada com overdose de heroína diz site
- Demi Lovato adia turnê pela América Latina; veja novas datas dos shows no Brasil
- Demi Lovato ousa e e deixa lingerie à mostra em figurino de show de Natal
- Demi Lovato virá ao Brasil em abril segundo jornal
- Demi Lovato é abandonada no altar em clipe de Tell Me You Love Me
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- Demi Lovato dá teaser do clipe Tell Me You Love Me em convite de casamento
- Quem ouve Demi Lovato tambem ouve: - sam smith - fifth harmony - disney - abril - altar - love
- Essa semana a música mais ouvida é heart attack - Demi Lovato
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the house that built me
Demi Lovato
I know they say you cant go home again.I just had to come back one last time.
Ma'am I know you don't know me from Adam.
But these handprints on the front steps are mine.
And up those stairs, in that little back bedroom
Is where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar.
And I bet you didn't know under that live oak
My favorite dog is buried in the yard.
I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself
if I could just come in I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me.
Mama cut out pictures of houses for years.
From 'Better Homes and Garden' magazines.
Plans were drawn, concrete poured,
And nail by nail and board by board
Daddy gave life to mama's dream.
I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
This brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could just come in I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me.
You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can.
I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.
I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could walk around I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me.